Everyone Deserves Meaningful Work
Employment support that enables individuals with disabilities to discover areas of interest and strength, learn valuable job skills, secure and maintain employment at a job of their choosing. LAUNCH Employment services creates individualized plans that help clients discover opportunities, ace interviews, and thrive in their jobs.
From the moment you enter a partnership with us, our employment specialists will help you create a custom plan to determine which strategy(ies) best meet the need(s). We offer:
- Job Discovery: Explore you as an individual, your strengths, talents, areas of interests and areas you would like to further explore to find if it is field you are interested in working in.
- Job Development: Explore various career paths, build your resume, foster important interviewing skills, and engage in professional development and job skill training
- Employability Skills: Develop proficiency in communication, teamwork, problem-solving, work ethic, interpersonal skills, time management, attention to detail, and professionalism
- Job Coaching: Experience an on-site and off-site approach to employment support
Menu of employment services:
- ACCES VR* Supported Employment
- Includes such services as resume building, assisting with job applications, interview prep, attending interviews with our clients and job coaching until stabilization occurs. Clients, depending on eligibility, will continue with extended supported employment through ACCES VR or transfer to OPWDD Supported Employment services. http://www.acces.nysed.gov/vr
- ACCES VR* Direct Placement
- Includes such services as resume building, assisting with job applications and interview prep
- ACCES VR* Direct Placement with Coaching Supports
- Includes such services as resume building, assisting with job applications, interview prep and short-term job coaching after the individual is employed.
- We also offer services for adults that provide a deeper dive into learning skills for employment. Services include: Work Readiness and Self-Advocacy for Employment
- OPWDD Supported Employment
- Includes such services, for individuals who have obtained employment and have OPWDD eligibility, as job coaching on and/or off site and working with our clients and their employers to help support our clients to be successful in long term employment. This service can remain in place as long as needed.
- OPWDD Employment Training Program
- Includes such services, for individuals who have OPWDD eligibility, as interest inventory, employability skills inventory, discovery opportunities. All of which lead to a paid internship in an area of interest for our clients that hopefully will lead to long term employment. This is a short term program that clients can be transferred to OPWDD Supported Employment Services when paid employment has been secured.
- OPWDD Community Based Prevoc
- Includes such services, for individuals who have OPWDD eligibility, as instruction in job readiness skills, teaching of soft skills that are transferable to all vocations, job exploration, assessments at various work sites and preparation for OPWDD Employment Training Program. This program can be short or long term depending on client need.
*Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR) is part of the New York State Education Department (NYSED) that provides vocational services to individuals with disabilities.
Want to Learn More About Finding Employment Through LAUNCH?
Contact LAUNCH for more information at 315-432-0665 or info@launchcny.org.